Laung Lata Varanasi: A Delectable Sweet for Dessert Lovers

Laung Lata Varanasi: A Delectable Sweet for Dessert Lovers
Photo Source: twitter - @holyVaranasi

Laung Lata Varanasi: A crispy yet Soft Sweet Delight to Find in The City Of Lord Shiva

Whether it is visitors or locals separated from their hometown, everyone anticipates the street food in Varanasi. And among the thousands of local dishes, you can find in the holy city, the Laung Lata Varanasi offers is truly a delight.

The sweet delicacy includes crunchy fried dough soaked in aromatic syrup. Some people believe it to be too rich, but there is no such thing as Indian sweets. So let us find out why the dessert is the talk of the town.


What Is Laung Lata?

Laung Lata is also called Lavang Lata sometimes, depending on the dialect. It is a traditional Indian dessert like many other sweets in Varanasi. The name comes from the word ‘laung’, which means clove in Hindi, and it is also an essential ingredient in the recipe.

The exact birthplace of the sweet is too difficult to point out. But the versions of this exact sweet are found in Bihar, Bengal, and other North Indian regions. So, you can say that it is a North Indian delicacy with a unique version in Varanasi. But the Laung Lata Varanasi has a flair you can only find in the city.

Though the base recipe is almost the same, a few alterations here and there make all the difference. So, it is one of the sweets that would come up when you search for famous sweets in Varanasi with images. True to the designations, the dessert is one-of-a-kind and something one must experience if in the holy city.


What Makes the Sweet So Popular?

You must have heard of unique Varanasi sweets like Malaiyo, but why are they so famous? As you may know, this city is one of the oldest surviving cities in the world, so it has a rich history. And its dessert collection has been rich from the get-go.

The Varanasi version of sweets is slightly different from others, so people find it amusing. They come from neighbouring cities to explore the food and enjoy something new. So, it has an alluring appeal in people who have never tried it before.

However, for locals, the sweet remains an occasional dessert in their lives. Each considerably sized Laung Lata retails for around 10-15 rupees, making it affordable for most people. Most people born and raised in the city also have fond memories of the delicacy lighting up their days in childhood. So, it is more of a sentiment than a simple dessert.


Can You Make Laung Lata at Home?

Technically, you can make the dessert item at home by buying the necessary ingredients. But Indian sweets aren’t called the labour of love for no reason. They consume a fair amount of time, so they may be a fun weekend activity.

You can find a detailed recipe with the necessary measurements online. Here are the rough steps you would have to follow to make the classic Laung Lata Varanasi:

  • Through the process, you would make dough out of all-purpose flour and let it rest.
  • In the meantime, you can prepare the Khoya filling by reducing and cooking down milk slowly.
  • You can add the aromatics to the Khoya mixture and prepare a sugar syrup on the side.
  • After the dough is done resting, take it out and roll it like a flatbread.
  • Add the filling in the middle the fold both sides in, overlapping one another. Then do the same motion for the top and bottom to make a dough parcel.
  • Pierce the opening with a piece of laung (clove) to seal it so it doesn’t burst open in the oil.
  • Fry the Laung Latas until golden brown and crispy, then immediately submerge them in the prepared sugar syrup.
  • Serve warm after soaking for a few minutes to let the syrup seep in.

Where To Find The Best Laung Lata in Varanasi?

Though you can find many recipes to recreate the traditional Laung Lata Varanasi, the real thing is leagues better. The taste and precision of professionals who have grown up making these delicacies are on another level.


So, we will highly suggest trying the local version at least once if you are in the city. Here are some places you can find the dish:

Local Neighbourhood Shops- Though chain sweet shops also sell the delicacy, nothing beats the flavor of Laung Lata from street shops. Local artisans make the best versions in every other neighbourhood in the evenings. So, you can try to find it in streets like the Kachori Gali, Vishwanath Gali Varanasi, or near you.

Ksheer Sagar- If you are unable to find a local shop or would prefer a mainstream brand, go for Ksheer Sagar Varanasi. It is a trusted chain with multiple outlets across the city. They also make delicious Laung Latas which you can buy at any time of the day.


Rajshree Sweets- The Rajshree Sweets Varanasi is another renowned shop famous for its high-quality sweets. You can find the Laung Lata, especially near the evening when they come fresh out of the oil.


There are immeasurable sweets and drinks in Varanasi with unique flavor profiles. Rather than relying on sugar and texture, these sweets are highly aromatic and diverse in their ways.


The Laung Lata Varanasi is one such fragrant and delicious delicacy. Its Varanasi version is popular with locals, and a taste would tell you why. Though we have given you all the information you need, you must visit the local sweet shops to find out for yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Laung Lata Too Sweet?
It might feel sweet if you have a western palate, as it has plenty of sugar. But if you are a good sport and keep trying the delicacies, you might find it perfect. To enjoy it to the fullest- try only half the Laung Lata Varanasi.


Are Varanasi Sweets Very Heavy?
Each piece of the Laung Lata may contain over 1000 calories- so it is pretty heavy. But the experience is so amusing that most people don’t care about the calories. It is the kind of delicacy to be enjoyed without paying much heed to the statistics.

What Is the Best Place to Buy Laung Lata Varanasi?
Many sweet shops across the city offer warm, fresh Laung Lata Varanasi offers. You could ask your friends or host for the best shop in their neighbourhood. But if you can’t find one, you can go to Ksheer Sagar or other sweet shops for a safer bet.

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